ChatGPT: Should we allow its use in university exams?

Today I tested ChatGPT with a proposition the answer to which  i already know, but has not been clearly stipulated in thermal comfort study (which means you cannot simply google it to arrive at the conclusions). ChatGPT gives the correct answer within 3 seconds. I am impressed!

If scholars today focus only on gathering data and forming obvious conclusion, then they are dispensable...😀

We should allow students to use AI apps in exam. Then we have to reform our teaching and assessments to develop new skills and assess them beyond what these tools can do. If we cannot do this, it means our program or even the whole university is dispensable. Looking at the way our curricula and assessments are being developed now, be ready for an unmanned universities, universities without professors and lecturers. Without expensive pay for glorified scholars, They are much cheaper to run, giving the same kind of results

We dont expect our graduates NOT to use these tools when they perform in the real world right? If we don't allow these tools, its like not allowing guns to train soldiers, but we expect them to somehow know how to use it in real battle.

Recently, I allowed my students to answer a quiz using all the tools available online. Quite a few gave wrong answers when they themselves didnt understand the contextual premise of the question. Which goes on to show, if you dont pay attention in class, no AI apps can help you.


  1. Haha... the information challenge the systems of learning.... Where do we go now.... 'ths death of an academia...

    What is the meaning of curriculum now.... It seems the knowledge machine will occupy the space


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