Bloom’s Taxonomy And OBE: Manifestation Of Reductionism In Malaysian Education
Reductionism has been a cause of concern for many thinkers and scholars. It has been attributed to the degradation of several key institutions in modern society such as economy, science, politics and education. This paper investigates the presence of reductionism in its rogue form, or ‘wild reductionism’, in Malaysian Education. Two key concepts have been identified as the vessel for reductionism, namely Bloom’s taxonomy and Outcome Based Education as interpreted by the Malaysian Engineering Education Council and adopted by many institutions. Reductionism is evident in the paradigmatic conception in these two concepts. Issues and criticisms arising out of their adoptions are presented. It is evident that the criticisms against both have been ignored by educators and policy makers in drafting the education ecosystem. Introduction Bloom’s Taxonomy and Outcome based Education is currently adopted as the basis of Malaysian education framework. Amidst general embrace and adoption of th...