PPSMI - An alternative view on the discourse, Jangan rasa rendah diri dengan bahasa kita.

Today The Prime Minister, speaking as acting Mnister of Education, delivered a speech streamed live on various channels.

One of the issue presented was the the PPSMI, the teaching and education of Science and Mathematic in English.

I am torn between writing this in BM or in BI. Maybe I will use both. I was raised in English oriented Education. Most of what i write here is due to the need to speak to those who support PPSMI. But I also need to do rhetoric in Malay to reach out to the masses.

Recently I attended a seminar in agriculture in a local university. The whole seminar was delivered and deliberated in Mandarin, except one in Japanese. To those who couldnt speak the languages were given live translation through headphones, distributed at the beginning of the seminar. And This is in Malaysia!! Why not. Boleh pun.

We keep arguing our retardation of science in mathematics is due to our lack of mastery of English language.

Back to the seminar. they talk about how the effort of transforming the society towards a specific paradigm in agriculture and this should be emulated elsewhere in the world. Why they could do this in their language? I think the fact that they develop the idea in their own mother tongue make the new ideas and paradigm palatable to the masses in their countries who understand the concept easily in their language. And the masses can transform themselves easily because they understand the discourse, the rationale, the concept.

I remember attending many international dialogues and forums in architecture by seminal international figures in architectural dialogues. The Japanese, The korean even the Thais just use their language in the international platform. It is the international community who need to do the trsnlation because they now they are listening to something new and valuable, regardless of the language.

We want to develop a discourse of STEM in English Language, whereas the French, Italian, The Germans, The Chinese, The Koreans, The Japanese who are more advanced in STEM couldnt be bothered.

How many bright mind in rural areas could not participate, digest and offer new paradigm in Science and Technology due to being considered not being smart to learn English language?

Now the acadmeics spewed queen english rhetorc in the university, Ustaz2 cakap pasal Fiqah Tauhaid pada ribuan orang kampung dan tak dapat nak terjemahkan pun idea2 modern sebab tak ada bahan ilmiah hebat diterjemahkan kepada bahasa MElayu.

Akhirnya orang melayu, bila pergi ke office, pakai mentaliti barat dalam mencerna maklumat dan membuat keputusan. Bila balik rumah duduk dalam masjid terus dengar pasal kehidupan sesudah mati. seolah2 tak ada kena mengena antara ilmu pendtadbiran, sains, matematik dan politik dengan kehidupan seharian.


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