Don't simply take what is given as the best, a trait of original thinkers.

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Watched an interesting talk entitled The Surprising Habits of the Originals  by Adam grant about the originals. Originals are people who change the world through bizarre and fresh ideas and innovations.

There is this interesting study by Cornerstone’s researchers  that reveals those employees who use chrome and firefox web browsers significantly outperform  internet explorer and safari users. They even stay  in their job 15% longer. 

The reason, according to Adam: IE and safari come preinstalled default. So these users are people who just accept the default, without thirst or hunger to search for better option. People who use chrome have doubts on the the pre-installed internet explorer and wonder whether there are better ways of browsing. 

To be clear, it is not about the browser, it is the type of people who don't merely accept what is given as the best. they inherently have the thirst to seek for better options. This trait translates into more creative and proactive persona of originals that the study seek to identify.

Zakyjaafar (c) 2019


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