Personal Discretion in decision making is a must for academia

Recently we read a posting of how people with talents are hindered from achieving their true potential in academia.
We, educational entities should adopt a different management philosophy to that of security and  defence entities. While they insist on what cannot be done, our philosophy should focus more on what can possibly done. Our industry is dealing with liberating human mind. We educate people to invite possibilities, explore opportunities. Instead of busy putting up fences, we should at every opportunity creates opening. Also we should be less busy creating goal posts and shifting them.

Today I read an fb posting by VC UMK (fb Noor Azizi ISmail)

The para that attracts my attention is ..

Being a leader we must be able to spot the right talents. They are different and unique but if given the right opportunity and support they will bring the best to the institution."

Well said. This is relevant to an important issue academia is facing, the fixation with standardised measurement, with a tendency for it to be a blanket rule for all disciplines. If we ask a monkey and a fish both to swim AND to climb, neither fish nor monkey will get full mark. Both will get 50% the most.


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