Reductionist conditioning through peer reviewed Academic Journals.

I see academicians proudly post the acceptance of their papers in q1q2 journal on their fb wall with pride. 

It is my believe, the more you publish in this manner, the more your mind are being conditioned with reductionist habit. In short, im sorry to say, the chase for meeting career advancement requirement in academia is actually is a dumbing down process where brilliant minds are trained to operate only on fragmented scale. So when these minds are trusted to lead academia, or higher education, they start with setting out fragments of measurable but not necessarily meaningful aims.
Of course i need to add that there is an inherent reductionistic paradigm running deep in these scientific journals. Problems are broken down into tiny chuncks, then they use ready made analytical tool to come up with 'explanation'.

 Ingraining scientific mindset is NOT by teaching people to do  scientific paper, which is only a mechanical and final process of explaining a phenomenon. What we will get is a generation of efficient paper churners who has no idea of  'phenomena' in real world.

I am not saying scientific papers are useless, they are important, but overreliance on the same mechanism for ALL knowledge, and for ALL PURPOSE is disastrous.

My worry is on the new generation of scholars who are nurtured (conditioned) under reductionist regime these days, would not have the same holistic approach to knowledge.
In academia, there are no 'ideas' these days, only endless reporting of  correlations, regressions and statistical significance . Thats all.

Might as well, since now their (universities) main function is to manufacture workforce for the job market. To find good ideas in this age, look beyond academia, crazy brave techpreneurs, cunning politicians, tik tokkers and youtube influencer. Sometime these people are more creative and innovative than university scholars.


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