
Showing posts from November, 2020

PhD in 1 year? Not in humanities though.

Photo: Bismillahiirahmanirrahiim. There is a contentious debate in academia regarding the need for quick completion of a PhD study. While this need seems rather obvious for various reasons, I would say not so desirable in the field of humanities. Regardless of how brilliant a scholar is, to get around the depth and complexity of a phenomena in humanities requires time. A brilliant scholar would be able to solve a clear problem pretty fast, no doubt. However in PhD, the most difficult part is to identify the problem not the solution. the network of interconnected phenomena. An issue cannot be viewed independently of its context. Rather than looking at an isolated samples in a lab, a scholar in humanities need to put things into context, place, culture, and time, and this requires the knowledge of the world, almost the whole world. Human evolve in thinking and behaviour through times. What is true today might not be true tomorrow. For this reason, establishing the contextu...

Reductionism inhibits human potentials in VUCA times

Reductionism is the basis of current scientific thinking, and extend well into humanistic domain as well, with a lot of undesirable outcomes. I have written about the damage reductionism is doing to our national higher education here ( Part 1 ) and here ( Part 2 ). This article is another article illustrating how reductionism is still the basis of our mode of thinking, even matters relating to education.  An example currently at work Id like to share here. A research group is trying to formulate new direction for  education of a specific field for the next 10 years. The project is currently drafting an extensive quantitative survey of the current situations. Some 60-70 questions asking multiple choice answer to various stakeholders. To me this is another example of reductionism at work, trying to understand phenomena by specific answers and quantify them. First and foremost, in the age of VUCA, (Volatility, Uncertainties, Complexity and Ambiguity - a phenomenon brought about b...

Sekolah Kejiranan: Idea pendidikan pasca COVID19

 Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera Sumber foto: Akibat dari kesan COVID19, dan sekatan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan, memaksa ramai pelajar belajar dari rumah. Situasi ini mengingatkan saya kepada suatu idea yang pernah saya fikirkan beberapa tahun dahulu sebelum COVID19 . Asalnya idea ini difikirkan kerana beban sosioekonomi sekolah awam dan swasta yang memerlukan infrastruktur yang mahal disamping menambah bebanan pengangkutan (antara penyumbang kesesakan jalanraya) dan juga bebanan ekonomi dan sosial keluarga yang terpaksa menghantar anak agak jauh dari rumah.  Di dalam krisis pandemik ini pula, ada masalah baharu yang timbul. Waktu ini, pdpr (pendidikan dan pembelajaran di rumah) menjadi pilihan. Antara masalah yang tidak ramai sedar dari pendekatan ini ialah beban infra pembelajaran, iaitu keperluan capaian internet dan penyediaan peranti jatuh ke bahu ibubapa. Bagi kawasan yang jauh dari jaringan, dan bagi ibubapa yang tidak mampu menyediakan peranti yang cuk...

Evoking Humanness: 4 stories of humanity

This article is a welcoming speech note given to the new students of Archtiecture, Universit Putra Malaysia. the speech were deliverd online on the 26th of September 2020. The video of the speech (slides presentation can be found here ): 26/10/2020 Dear Students, welcome to the department. You are here with dreams. And dreams are made of stories. It is nowhere to be found amongst the current available atoms in the whole universe. The COVID 19 pushes everone to find new perspectives on life, on economy, on society, on selves, on values. My Name is Zaky Jaafar, the head of Department. I am welcoming you to the department with this message. That you are here for a reason. You are here for more than just getting information, more than just getting a certificate, more than just getting the skills to be a future successsful architect. You are here because you want to elevate your inner being to the highest achievable level you can attain. For this I need to tell you, you are more than wh...