
Showing posts from October, 2020

Education in Crisis - Malaysia's (lack) of storytellers.

Just finished watching a documentary on algorithm. Algorithm is everywhere. It simplifies life, enrich, empower civilisations in leaps and bounds. Face recognition, shopping preference, crime prevention, future trending and so much more. However with any technology there are two sides of the coin, good and bad. What I want to propose here is that in Malaysia, there is a lack of parallel narratives on the humanistic aspects of algorithms and other technology in general. We as a nation are not ready of the dialogue accompanying its advent into our social construct. And I would like to point out the glaring missing parts in our society, we don't have storytellers. The role of story tellers in the development of technology has been discussed by Cave, Dihal and DIllon in an article: "  Narratives can make or break a science: palaeontology got massive boosts in funding after Jurassic Park, while Frankenstein was deployed to constrain the use of GMOs in food – with huge impact in Eur...